Delivery / transportation
Port operators and logistics service providers will be allowed to continue to operate during this period. Yes, you may receive deliveries at your premises. If you need to activate your employees to work on-site for short periods of time to receive deliveries and perform other related tasks, please apply for a time-limited exemption. Please submit your application one day before the required date of use.
Yes, the intention is to keep goods flowing in and to keep the port clear.
Food Delivery Personnel
Food delivery personnel working for Grab, foodpanda or Deliveroo would need to go to a Quick Test Centre (QTC) for testing. The platforms that you work for should have reached out to obtain the necessary details to onboard you and/or schedule you for your first appointment. Please approach the platform if you have not been onboarded or scheduled for an appointment.
Your first appointment may be scheduled
(i) by the food delivery platform, or (ii) on your own through the platform specific self-booking link shared by the platform
For (i), the platform will schedule you for an appointment when there is an available slot. You will receive an SMS confirming the appointment date, time and QTC; the SMS will also indicate the food delivery platform that scheduled your test appointment. Should you need to re-schedule your first appointment, you may do so using the platform specific self-booking link shared by the platform.
For (ii), you will be able to book a testing appointment at the QTC on your own using the platform specific self-booking link, as long as the food delivery platform has onboarded you onto the system.
If you are a new food delivery personnel who recently joined the platform, we seek your patience as the platforms may need some time to onboard you/ schedule your first test appointment.
Even if you have registered with more than one platform, onboarding and/or first test appointment will only be through one platform.
You may re-schedule your appointments by using the platform specific self-booking link shared by the platform and signing in via SingPass. Upon successful re-scheduling, you will receive an SMS confirming the new appointment date, time and QTC.
If you want to switch to another platform entirely, you will have to make direct arrangements with the other food delivery platform to take over the scheduling of your appointment.
There is currently a network of QTCs located island-wide across North, South, East and West regions of Singapore, to cater to workers or individuals who need to undergo routine testing. Please refer to for a comprehensive list of the QTC locations, which will be periodically reviewed.
Delivery personnel are required to do one test per week.
There is no need to test multiple times for different platform/ companies. If you have already undergone mandatory ART or PCR testing as part of requirements in your other employment (including other platforms), you only need to declare your test status to the other employers/ platforms. Your test result will be made available only to the platform/ company that scheduled* your test appointment or did the supervised testing for you.
Food delivery personnel who work for multiple companies or platforms are highly encouraged to onboard Sync** to facilitate sharing of test status information to relevant parties, so that they do not have to make multiple declarations. Riders should have received a request via the platform’s communication channels to share the test results with them on Sync. Alternatively, riders may also access Sync at and login via SingPass to share the test results with the relevant platform/ companies.
* You can check your QTC appointment SMS to find out which company/ food delivery platform you are tagged under.
** Sync is a web portal that allows individuals to provide consent and share your health records with recipients (platforms/companies) easily, starting with COVID-19 test and vaccination records.
Note: With the implementation of Workforce Vaccination Measures (WVM) from 1 January 2022, Vaccinate or Regular Testing (VoRT) regime will cease from the same date. WVM will apply to all employees, including self-employed persons (SEPs). Specifically for food delivery personnel, this means they will have to adhere to WVM for entry to workplaces such as platform’s HQ, malls and standalone F&B outlets. For more details, please refer to MOM’s Advisory on COVID-19 Vaccination at the Workplace linked here: -
Should you have a positive ART test result, you are required to follow the prevailing guidelines set out on
In the meantime, you must stop fulfilling delivery orders, until you test negative. Food delivery platforms must not assign jobs to food delivery personnel that have tested positive.
Persons who do not follow the health protocols may be found to be in breach of the Infectious Disease Act. Enforcement action will be taken against those persons who are found to be in breach, which may include prosecution.
In addition, food delivery platforms that are found to have carried on their business in a manner that is likely to cause the spread of COVID-19 may be ordered to suspend their businesses.
Participants will swab themselves using the ART kits under the supervision of trained staff at the test centre. The process will take 10 – 15 mins. Your test result will be sent to you via SMS.
Tests for all food delivery personnel who are mandated to undergo routine testing on a weekly basis will be subsidised until 31 March 2022, as necessary.