Satellite Communication Station Licence
Apply for Satellite Communication Station Licence
Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA)
For Business Users only
This licence is only for business users with a registered Unique Entity Number (UEN).
Application Details
For transmitting and/or receiving messages or data by means of satellite communications.
Additional Information
Licence Fee: To be determined
Documents Needed
- The attachment should contain a Earth Station System Block Diagram and Description.
- Please provide the equipment Rack Diagram with Panel Layout showing functional units - Transmitter, receiver, up/down converter, module/demodulator, monitor and control, baseband(audio/video) data interface, power supply and others (to specify).
- The attachment should contain the following:
a. Horizontal Elevation of Earth Station
b. Antenna Radiation Diagram (Copolar and Crosspolar)
c. Transmitter/Receiver RF Filter Attenuation - This attachment refers to the General Description of the Functional Units.
- This attachment is for any supporting documents required to be submitted.
Applicant must be ACRA registered company/business