Electricity Retailer
Apply for Electricity Retailer
Energy Market Authority (EMA)
For Business Users only
This licence is only for business users with a registered Unique Entity Number (UEN).
Application Details
Required for the retail of electricity to contestable customers
Retail electricity licensees (electricity retailers) are entities authorised by the Energy Market Authority (EMA) to retail electricity to contestable customers.
There are two types of electricity retailers: Market Participant Retailers (MPRs) and Non-Market Participant Retailers (NMPRs).
MPRs have to be registered with the Energy Market Company (EMC) to purchase electricity from the National Electricity Market of Singapore (NEMS) to sell to contestable consumers.
NMPRs need not register with EMC to participate in the NEMS, as they will purchase electricity indirectly from the NEMS through the Market Support Services Licensee (MSSL).
For more information on becoming a retailer, you may refer to EMA's Guide to Becoming a Licensed Electricity Retailer available via https://www.ema.gov.sg/cmsmedia/Licensees/Electricity_Licensing/Retailer/Guide-for-Prospective-Retailers-updated-Oct2020.pdf.
A new electricity retailer applicant will need to first apply for a provisional licence which is valid for 1 year. During this period, the licensee shall need to fulfil the stipulated requirements needed to apply for a full electricity retailer licence. A full electricity retailer licence will be granted upon fulfilment of the stipulated requirements prior to the expiry of the provisional licence. For more information regarding the requirements, you may refer to the Open Electricity Market's website (www.openelectricitymarket.sg).
- Does the licence guarantee a registration to the Market Company?
The issuance of a licence does not guarantee your registration as a market participant by the Market Company - Are there any requirements to be met?
Please note the following two requirements to be met by each retailer after being issued an Electricity Retailer Licence before it can commence retailing electricity:
Requirement 1:Pass the Market Trial conducted by SP Group. For more information, please refer to the Open Electricity Market's website (www.openelectricitymarket.sg); and
Requirement 2:Satisfy EMA's requirements for participation in the Open Electricity Market. For more information, please email EMA_MDSD@ema.gov.sg.
Retailers who only meet Requirement 1 (i.e., passed the Market Trial conducted by SP Group) can only retail electricity to business consumers with an average monthly consumption of at least 2MWh.
Retailers must meet both requirements before they can start retailing electricity to (i) business consumers with an average monthly consumption of less than 2MWh, and (ii) all residential consumers.
Additional Information
The annual licence fee is payable each April for the Financial Year starting 1 April. The initial licence fee payable upon issuance of the licence is pro-rated based on the number of days remaining in the current Financial Year.
Contact Details
You may contact EMA directly if you require further details on the fees for each licence class.
Documents Needed
- Retailer Licence Application Checklist
Please download and complete the application checklist here and upload as a supporting document. - Audited statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements and credit statement
Audited past profit and loss statements, balance sheets and cash flow statements of the Applicant or the significant shareholders for the last 2 full financial years or since incorporation if less than 2 years and credit statement or credit rating, including any history of bankruptcy or financial distress
File format: pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, docx
Maximum upload per application: 5 MB - 5 years projected financial statements, critical assumptions on the financial projection, proposed capital structure and an expense breakdown
Projected financial statements (including profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements) for the proposed retailing business over 5 years, together with all critical assumptions on which the financial projection is based (preferably using an Excel spreadsheet). The proposed capital structure, showing the shareholder's funds as a percentage of total assets and a breakdown of expenses to show the major cost items is required
File format: pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, docx
Maximum upload per application: 5 MB - Company Memorandum and Articles of Association
File format: pdf
Maximum upload per application: 5 MB - Corporate Bank Account
A copy of the company bank account statement or equivalent
File format: pdf
Maximum upload per application: 5 MB - Hedging Plan
Hedging strategy including risk management policy, proposed hedge ratio based on contracted load and process to hedge new contracts
File format: pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, docx
Maximum upload per application: 5 MB - Organisation Chart including resume and curriculum vitae (CV) of key appointment holders
File format: pdf, doc, docx
Maximum upload per application: 5 MB - Business Plan
Proposed business plan which provides details on the respective items required under the application checklist
File format: pdf, doc, docx
Maximum upload per application: 5 MB - Confirmation from EMC on successful registration as Market Participant (For full licence application only)
File format: pdf
Maximum upload per application: 5 MB - Signed Market Support Services Agreement (MSS Agreement) (For full licence application only)
File format: pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, docx
Maximum upload per application: 5 MB - Supporting document to demonstrate the implementation of an Electronic Business Transaction ("EBT") system (For full licence application only)
File format: pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, docx
Maximum upload per application: 5 MB - Other supporting documents (if any)
File format: pdf, xls, xlsx, doc, docx
Maximum upload per application: 10 MB
Applicant must be ACRA registered company/business