General requirements
General requirements
To ensure a safe working environment, businesses are required to abide by the nation-wide general requirements for workplaces. Businesses are also required to adhere to the sector-specific requirements, and comply with measures to facilitate contact tracing.
All businesses should take note of the following:
All employees can now return to the workplace. Employees returning to the workplace are encouraged to self-test when they feel unwell or had recent contact with an infected person.
For employees (and contractors and vendors) who are physically onsite at the workplace, mask wearing is required indoor except when (i) persons are not interacting with others and (ii) not in customer-facing areas where interaction is likely to happen. While this concession will provide some flexibility for employees as more return to the workplace, everyone is advised to exercise social responsibility and maintain an appropriate safe distance from others while unmasked.
Employers and employees can refer to the Updated Advisory on COVID-19 Vaccination at the Workplace for more details on work arrangements for unvaccinated employees. Employers may check their company’s vaccination rate through The Workforce Vaccination Checker (Corppass login required).
Any applicable sector-specific requirements